28 Slater Drive #36
Elizabeth, NJ 07206

Always made right®

Plastic packaging solutions designed to solve your biggest problems!

Elizabeth plastic packaging

Altium has been very flexible and willing to invest and do some things within their network to satisfy us.

Chief Operating Officer Beverage Company

Through the pandemic, through a variety of supply chain challenges, we have had problems of every kind and Altium has been a rock. We’ve had virtually nothing that looks like a blip or a hiccup over the last couple of years. They have really truly been our partner.

Vice President, Operations Specialty Chemical Company

In our world, local manufacturing is crucial. Logistics play a significant role in what we do. Altium’s footprint of manufacturing facilities aligns nicely with where we have our strong customer bases.

Executive Vice President Packaging Distribution Partner

Every time I reach out to someone at Altium, no matter what the level is, people are very responsive to getting back to me, which is important. It’s something that helps me understand that we are in important customer to Altium.

Chief Operating Officer Beverage Company

We’ve used Altium’s design services and have been to the design lab. We redesigned nearly our entire package portfolio over a period of 3 years and Altium’s services and capabilities were spectacular. We would do it again if needed!

Vice President, Operations Specialty Chemical Company

    Popular Elizabeth Plastic Packaging Solutions

    An organization backed by over 100 years of experience, over 60 plants in the U.S. and Canada, and approximately 3,000 employees.

    Altium Packaging: Revolutionizing Elizabeth Plastic Packaging for Diverse Industries

    Altium Packaging – A Trailblazer in Plastic Packaging

    Known for its exceptional plastic packaging solutions, Altium Packaging could offer promising opportunities for Elizabeth, New Jersey’s myriad industries. By adhering to stringent quality standards and promoting sustainability, Altium’s plastic packaging has the potential to redefine product protection and operational efficiency across Elizabeth’s business landscape.

    How the Shipping and Logistics Industry Could Benefit

    Elizabeth, a bustling port city, is a significant hub for shipping and logistics. Altium Packaging’s robust plastic solutions could provide unprecedented support to this industry. Their durable and lightweight packaging could safeguard goods during transit, reducing the risk of damage and improving customer satisfaction – a crucial aspect of the shipping and logistics sector.

    Revitalizing the Retail Industry with Plastic Packaging

    The vibrant retail industry of Elizabeth could greatly benefit from Altium’s advanced packaging solutions. From clothing to electronics, the industry’s diverse offerings would be well-served by Altium’s customizable, protective, and visually appealing plastic packaging. Additionally, Altium’s commitment to sustainable packaging could enhance the retail sector’s environmental footprint, an increasingly important factor in consumer choice.

    Implications for the Food and Beverage Industry

    With a rich culinary scene, Elizabeth’s food and beverage industry could leverage Altium Packaging’s hygienic and sturdy plastic solutions. Altium’s packaging could help maintain product freshness, enhance customer experience, and promote food safety. Plus, their eco-friendly focus could enable these businesses to satisfy consumer demand for sustainability, in addition to compliance with food safety regulations.

    Promising Opportunities for the Manufacturing Industry

    Elizabeth’s manufacturing sector, spanning from machinery to pharmaceuticals, could also benefit from Altium Packaging’s plastic solutions. These high-quality, resilient packaging options could protect products during manufacturing, storage, and transportation, promoting operational efficiency and enhancing product integrity.

    Sustainable Plastic Packaging: A Vision for Elizabeth Industries

    Central to Altium Packaging’s operations is a commitment to sustainable practices. Their eco-friendly plastic packaging solutions, produced with recycled materials and green manufacturing processes, could support Elizabeth’s industries in their endeavor to reduce environmental impact. This focus on sustainability is increasingly important as industries align their operations with regulatory requirements and evolving consumer expectations for environmentally-conscious practices.


    Altium Packaging’s potential to transform Elizabeth, New Jersey’s diverse industrial sector is immense. Their superior, sustainable plastic packaging solutions could revolutionize product protection, optimize operational efficiency, and support the sustainability goals of numerous industries in the region. With a keen understanding of industry-specific needs and a commitment to environmentally-friendly practices, Altium Packaging could be a key player in shaping a more prosperous and sustainable future for Elizabeth’s industries.